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Chinese translation for "labelling requirement"


Related Translations:
security label:  安全标记
labeled common:  有标号公用块
double labelling:  双标记
labelled content:  标记含量
deuterium labeled:  重氢标记的
label panel:  贴标面
varietal labeling:  品种的标记
label binding:  标记绑定
label story:  厂牌故事
labeled phosphorus:  标记磷
Example Sentences:
1.I will forward label requirements in a few days
2.We will work closely with china as they implement food - labeling requirements
3.1 . what are the food labelling requirements for pre - packaged food in hong kong
1 .在香港出售的预先包装食物须符合哪些食物标签规定
4.For any products found not in compliance with the labelling requirements , fehd will take follow - up actions
5.Standard performance specification for safety covers and labeling requirements for all covers for swimming pools , spas and hot tubs
6.In phase 2 , the nutrition labelling requirements would apply to all prepackaged food products unless otherwise exempted
7.Certain types of prepackaged food that would have practical difficulties in complying with nutrition labelling requirements would be excluded from the scheme
8.We suggest that you review our business guide book , threading your way through the labeling requirements under the textile and wool acts
9.We shall carefully consider the views received during the public consultation period before finalising the details of our nutrition labelling requirements , " the spokesman added
10.Why are infantfollow - up formulae , foods for infants and young children and other foods for special dietary uses not included in the nutrition labelling requirements
Similar Words:
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