Healthy center laconicum , night club , open air surfing swimming pool , sauna massage foot bathing , inner constant temperature swimming pool , chess and card room , table tennis , gymnasium , barbecue , ceramic bar , mountain top garden , bowling , ping - pong , tennis court 健身中心蒸汽浴室大豪夜总会露天冲浪泳场桑拿按摩沐足室内恒温泳池棋牌室桌球健美室烧烤场陶艺馆山顶公园保球乒乓球网球场
Special and cozy european style executive suite not only has complete facilities , which includes well - equipped laconicum and internet connection , but also provides you with a full view of the green city and a series of favorable and professional room keeping service 宽敞温馨的欧式行政套房,设备齐全的蒸汽浴室,不仅让您尽览绿城风光,更为宾客提供宽频上网等条件,专为宾客提供一系列独享的优惠和个性专业管家服务。
Air conditioning , bar lounge , beauty salon , conference facilities , laundry , money exchange , sauna , shopping arcade , dancing hall , laconicum , business center , coffee shop , hair - dryer in the bedroom , night club , idd ddd , restaurants , wheelchair accessibility , car parking , clinic , massage 宾馆设施中餐厅西餐厅ddd电话idd电话交谊舞厅迪斯科舞厅理发美容室餐饮设施装修典雅,格调时尚,欧陆佳肴,让您感会异国情调,宽敞大厅,数间厅房,可容纳200余人同时就餐。