| 1. | Lectures and discussion of papers 讲课与论文讨论。 |
| 2. | The training program consisted of one week of formal lectures and discussions and one week of site visits 研讨活动的第一周以课堂讲座和讨论为主。 |
| 3. | The two - week long program includes one week of classroom lectures and discussions and one week of hands - on lab operations 此次培训由一周课堂讲授和一周实验室实地操作组成。 |
| 4. | Lectures and discussions explore the clinical , behavioral , and molecular aspects of brain aging processes in humans 教授讲题与课内讨论为由临床医学,行为科学,和分子生物学的角度探究人类大脑衰老的过程。 |
| 5. | Well , my guide , martin , listened to all these lectures and discussions . and he said , " i ve heard things on your trip here i ve never heard in my life . 若我有全备的信,我就能够移山,若我有全备的信叫我能够移山,却没有爱,我就算不得甚么 |
| 6. | It combined two training activities and consisted of one week of in - class lectures and discussions on agricultural administration of canada , one week of lectures and discussions on canadian ag tax policy and finance , and one week of site visits 这个为期三周的培训课程由一周的农业行政管理课程一周农业税收和财政政策课程和一周的实地考察组成,内容十分丰富。为学员们授课的专家包括 |
| 7. | Participants will be guided by academic as well as programme leaders to facilitate them to acquire different perspectives and more in - depth understanding about the history , culture and demographic changes of the place through lectures and discussions 有别于其他旅游团,长者游学团将由学者及随团导赏领袖义务带领,并辅以到当地大学课堂讲解及小组讨论,使团员能对旅游点的历史文化及人口变化等具有深入的了解。 |
| 8. | The day s activities will include : a tour of the university , conversations with the swiss musicians , visiting the music library , a recording session , an opportunity to play balinese percussion instruments , university level lectures and discussions with music students 当日活动包括:参观大学校园、与瑞士钢琴三重奏的音乐家对话、参观音乐图书馆、录音工作坊、试奏印尼巴厘岛的传统敲击乐器、与音乐系学生一起上课及分享等。 |
| 9. | Apart from lectures and discussions during the forum , which coincided with two other festivals on taoism and tourism , participants also attended a grand ceremony commemorating the 900th anniversary of a residential quarter for eminent taoists built in the song dynasty 同期举行的还有另外两个和道教及旅游有关的活动,与会者在论坛期间除了参加演讲和讨论以外,还参加了一个纪念建于宋朝的道教名士府第落成900周年的盛典活动。 |