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Chinese translation for "masterplan"

总计划 规划总图
Example Sentences:
1.Iso tr 14638 : 1995 geometrical product specification - masterplan iso tr 14638 : 1995
2.However , as far as we can tell , none of these countries followed an overall masterplan or blueprint
3.However , as far as we can tell , none of these countries followed an overall masterplan or blueprint
4.The masterplan of the entire district has to work as a whole , both in terms of design and financial viability
5.In the invitation for proposals , the whole of the masterplan , apart from the canopy and the required arts and cultural facilities , is still open for design
6.If government were to separate the commercial portion and the arts and cultural portion , the masterplan would also have to be separated , based on commercial assumptions of which government is not knowledgeable
7.Following the competition , the government plans to appoint a team to finalise a masterplan for the scheme area on the basis of the winning proposals . the government will then decide on how the scheme area will be developed
8.His diabolic and rather complicated masterplan is , inevitably , fuelled by shards of that dreaded green kryptonite , while parker posey ' s moll makes delightfully dimwitted fun of his megalomania
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