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my body’s gone that’s all
我只是肉体离开了这个世界,仅此而已  detail>>
and my senses have all but gone
我的感觉已经失去  detail>>
when all my hope is gone
你给了我希望  detail>>
all gone
消逝  detail>>
my elementary school was gone
一些地方都认不出来了 这儿发生了巨大的变化  detail>>
my fever is gone
我的烧已经退了  detail>>
my love has gone
我的爱已逝  detail>>
my only love is gone
我唯一的爱已逝  detail>>
all are past and gone
俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝!  detail>>
all gone to hell
全都见鬼去  detail>>
all gone with the wind
俱往矣  detail>>
all hope is gone
所有的希望都破灭了  detail>>
all the stretch was gone
拉长到不能再拉  detail>>
and all the world is gone
世界如此安静  detail>>
and when all hope is gone,
当所有的希望都破灭之时,别怕  detail>>
my body
我的身体 我们的身体  detail>>
my all
我的全部 我的所有 我的一切  detail>>
my lettuces have gone to seed
我种的莴苣已结子  detail>>