| 1. | Insurance covers both sea and overland transportation 保险应包括水陆两路的运输 |
| 2. | Overland transportation insurance clauses train , trucks 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款 |
| 3. | Insurance covers both sea and overland transportation 保险应包括水陆两路的运输。 |
| 4. | Overland transportation insurance clauses frozen products 陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款 |
| 5. | Overland transportation insurance clauses train trucks 陆上运输货物保险条款火车汽车 |
| 6. | Overland transportation insurance , land transit insurance 陆上运输保险 |
| 7. | Overland transportation insurance war risk 陆上运输战争险 |
| 8. | Overland transportation insurance 陆上运输保险 |
| 9. | Overland transportation all risks 陆运综合险 |
| 10. | Covering all risks as per ocean marine cargo clauses and overland transportation cargo insurance clause train , truck of p . i . c . c . dated 日海洋运输货物保险条款和航空运输货物保险条款以及海洋运输货物战争险条款和航空运输货物战争险条款投保海空联运一切险和战争险 |