| 1. | On the construction of parental right law in china 构建我国亲权法律制度的思考 |
| 2. | Parental right for school involvement 家长参与教育事务 |
| 3. | Repeal supporters said the issue was about an unconstitutional law , not abortion or parental rights 废除令的支持者说,此事针对的是违反宪法的法律,而非堕胎权或父母知情权。 |
| 4. | The author differentiates child custody , parental rights and child support , and discusses the relationship between child custody and child watching 近代的子女以随无过错的父或母监护为原则。 |
| 5. | The rights and authority of the mother and father of a child are equal except where the child is born out of wedlock , in which case the mother has all parental rights and authority 就婚生子女而言,父亲和母亲均具有相同的权利及权能;就非婚生子女而言,母亲具有所有父母权利及权能。 |
| 6. | Part iii deals with the question why we must set up the institution of parental rights . the author gives three good reasons . firstly , it helps to physical protection of child 在概念区别中,着重论述亲权与监护的区别,说明这是两种不同的制度,将两者予以合并,在立法上缺乏科学性。 |
| 7. | Secondly , it helps to property protection of child . thirdly , it has special social value . so it is time for the legislator to set up the system of parental rights 文中指出两大法系在子女最桂牙d益原则上主要区别:大陆法系的立法较为抽象,英美法系的立法更为具体,更有利于司法实务的操作。 |
| 8. | Although courts do not consistently weigh intent to parent as heavily as they should , they would do well to apply traditional notions of contract theory in determining who bears parental rights and responsibilities for planned children 尽管法院并不总是权衡他们是否乐于养育,它们在应用契约论的传统概念来判决谁承担计划生育的孩子权利和义务的问题上倒是颇有建树。 |
| 9. | Part i is the introduction of the history of parental rights . the system of parental rights has three different progressive phrases , each having its characteristic . with the development of society , the content of parental rights has been changed , the status of child from unequality to equality 这说明了随着社会的发展和进步,亲权制度的内容也在不断地发生变化,从古代子女被支配的地位,发展到现代父母子女间的平等关系。 |
| 10. | In addition , the law of china belongs to civil law whose parental rights has two thousand years old . so the author suggests that the legislature should set up two different institutions , that is , parental rights and guardianship . this article is divided into four parts 为此,笔者主张,必须摒弃我国法律中亲权与监护不分的立法模式,借鉴大陆法系亲权制度的内容,接合我国的具体情况,建立具有中国特色的亲权制度,为此,本文拟从四个部分加以研讨。 |