| 1. | Profit after tax for 2000 was us 0 . 7 billion 该银行于年的税后盈利为亿美元。 |
| 2. | The average profit after tax : 27 million rmb yuan year 项目总投资964万美元,需引进外资700万美元。 |
| 3. | Net profit after tax 税后纯利净亏损 |
| 4. | Profit after tax 税后利润新译湾翻译 |
| 5. | Corporate dividend policy mainly focus on how to distribute profit after tax 摘要股利政策主要讨论企业税后利润如何分配的问题,是企业的一项重要决策。 |
| 6. | The group recorded net profit after tax of about hk 66 million in 2005 , based on investments in 126 episodes of tv drama 集团在2005年录得之6 , 600万港元纯利,乃建立在126集电视剧之投资与策划上。 |
| 7. | The hkmc and its subsidiaries the hkmc group reported an audited profit after tax of hk 600 . 6 million for 2005 按揭证券公司及其附属公司按揭证券公司集团报告已审核的2005年除税后溢利? 6 . 006亿港元。 |
| 8. | Motivation 4 . mindset . moreover we can calculate the eva on the basis of the nopat ( net operating profit after tax ) Eva可以和现行的会计指标融为一体,通过对会计利润进行适当的调整就可以得到eva财务管理所需的数据。 |
| 9. | During the year ended 31 december 2006 , the division recorded a net profit after tax of hk 36 million 2005 : hk 68 million 截至二零零六年十二月三十一日止年度内,部门录得除税后净溢利3 , 600万港元二零零五年: 6 , 800万港元。 |
| 10. | According to the annual report , the corporation achieved a profit after tax of hk 233 . 1 million in 2000 , despite the difficult operating environment 根据年报所载资料,尽管营商环境困难,但按揭证券公司在二零零零年仍录得除税后溢利亿港元。 |