| 1. | Those who have been deprived of public rights 二褫夺公权尚未复权者。 |
| 2. | Nature of intellectual property : public right and private right 知识产权的公权利和私权利属性 |
| 3. | Moral restriction mechanism against the abusing of public right 论公共权力滥用的道德约束机制 |
| 4. | Sentenced him to death and deprivation of public rights forever 判处罪犯死刑并剥夺公民权利终身 |
| 5. | At first , the transferring between private rights and public rights 首先表现为个体权利与集体权利的互演。 |
| 6. | Spatial data - sets for geographical referencing - specification for recording public rights of way 地理定位用空间数据组.记录公共通行权的规范 |
| 7. | The penalty law of public security management : the unification of protecting private rights and standardizing public rights 保护私权与规范公权的统一 |
| 8. | Discussing the conflicts between administrative legislation and administrative law enforcement on the basis of public rights 实现公安行政执法观念转变之思考 |
| 9. | Theoretically saying , all kinds of power are public ones and power must serve public rights 在应然的意义上,一切权力都是公共权力,权力必须是服务于公共利益的。 |
| 10. | Supervision right is a compound public right with its deficiencies , so supervision must be moderate 监管权是一种复合性的公权力,有其自身的不足,因此监管必须适度。 |