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the audience burst into an uproar
举座哗然  detail>>
the rally began in an uproar
大会在一片喧腾声中开始了  detail>>
the room was in an uproar
屋里一片嚷嚷声  detail>>
 n.  喧闹,鼓噪,骚嚷,人声鼎沸,轰鸣[响]。  detail>>
overshoot rising-up time
超越上升时间 过冲上升时间  detail>>
rising up of stomach fire
胃火上升  detail>>
rising up of the stomach-fire
胃火上升  detail>>
rising up through the air
亦开始弥漫于空气之中  detail>>
up-rising star
后起之秀  detail>>
up-and-coming star, rising star
新秀  detail>>
up-and-coming star;rising star
新秀  detail>>