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Chinese translation for "russian revolution"


Related Translations:
russian:  adj.,n.俄国的;俄国人(的),俄语(的)。
little russian:  小俄罗斯人〔乌克兰人的旧称〕。
russian federation:  俄罗斯联邦〔简称俄罗斯〕。
russian boots:  长统靴。
russian olive:  【植物;植物学】沙枣。
russian dandelion:  橡胶草。
revolution:  n.1.革命;剧烈的变革。2.回转,绕转,旋转;转数;周期;一转;【天文学】运行,周转,公转。短语和例子the industrial revolution 产业革命,工业革命。 palace revolution 宫廷政变。 violent revolution 暴力革命。 the R- =the English [French] revolution 英国[法国]革命。
green revolution:  绿色革命〔由于粮食作物新品种的发展和农业技术的改进,引起收成的极大增长〕。
american revolution:  美国独立战争。
french revolution:  法国大革命(1789-1799)。
Example Sentences:
1.63 . the russian revolution and the end of the great war
63 .俄国革命和大战的结束
2.World war i and the russian revolution
3.Origins of the russian revolution
4.Narrator : by overthrowing the old order , the russian revolution aimed to deliver that better world
5.The russian revolution ? four young people , yury , tonya , lara and pasha , find love and lose it in this extraordinary time
6.The may 4th movement came into being at the call of the world revolution , of the russian revolution and of lenin
7.A . the may 4th movement came into being at the call of the world revolution , of the russian revolution and of lenin
8.He was again vindicated with the sharp shift towards the left in britain , with pronounced revolutionary overtones , following the russian revolution
9.In search of the miraculous ouspensky gave an account of the unusual training and adventures they went through at the time of the russian revolution
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