| 1. | The captain of the university debate team had a scheduling conflict . yeah 大学辩论队的队长时间上有冲突 |
| 2. | The planningwizard can help prevent you from getting entangled in messy scheduling conflicts “规划向导”可以协助您从混乱的日程排定冲突中解脱出来。 |
| 3. | The number of potential conference room scheduling conflicts is much smaller with a pool of 200 users than it is with a population of thousands of users 200个用户相对于数千个用户来说,潜在会议室调度冲突的数量就会少得多。 |
| 4. | Students who , due to general study habits or schedule conflicts , expect to have difficulty in arriving on time or in attending every class , and in completing assignments on time , do not belong in the class 由于普遍学生恶习、没办法按时完成作业或是无法配合课表上课的学生是不属于这门课的。 |
| 5. | * * * * but constraints can also limit your schedule ' s flexibility . if there ' s a scheduling conflict between a constraint and a task dependency , microsoft project may schedule the task according to the constraint 如果在限制和任务相关性之间发生日程冲突, microsoftproject将根据限制来排定任务。 |
| 6. | Your project plan helps you identify and correct problems such as overloaded resources , tasks that threaten to bust your budget , and scheduling conflicts that could push out the project deadline 项目计划将有助于确定并纠正这些问题,譬如:过度分配的资源、导致超支的任务,以及可能会导致项目延期的日程排定冲突。 |
| 7. | Negative values in the total slack field indicate that there ' s a scheduling conflict . ( typically , one task is linked to another task that can ' t move , so microsoft project may not honor the link . ) 在“总时差”域中,负值表示存在日程排定冲突(一般情况下,如果将一项任务与另一项不能移动的任务相链接, microsoftproject将不承认此链接) 。 |
| 8. | If the planningwizard is turned on , it displays a message each time you set a constraint that causes or might cause a scheduling conflict . the message describes the conflict and provides a list of several options , from canceling the constraint to setting the constraint and continuing on . choose the option that ' s appropriate to your situation 打开“规划向导”后,如果设置的限制条件导致或可能导致日程排定冲突,该向导将显示描述冲突的信息,并提供一系列选项(从取消限制到保留限制) ,请根据情况选择所需的选项。 |