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scholar’s outfit
学者服装  detail>>
a scholar
读书人  detail>>
 n.  1.学者;古典学者;〔俚语〕有文化的人,有某种文科知识的人。 2.公费生,领有奖学金的学生。 3.学生;门徒;学习者。  ...  detail>>
 n.  1.(旅行等的)准备;旅费;旅行用品,装置;(一定场合下穿的)全套衣装;(军事)装备;航海用具;商业用具,生财;(一般)设备,用品,工具。 2.精神准...  detail>>
a bit of a scholar
有点墨水  detail>>
a frail scholar
文弱书生  detail>>
a great scholar
洪儒  detail>>
a poor scholar
一介寒儒  detail>>
a real scholar
一肚子墨水  detail>>
alms for the scholar
乞米养状元  detail>>
american scholar
美国学者  detail>>
black scholar
黑人学者  detail>>
delta scholar
中达学者  detail>>
distinguished scholar
有突出贡献学者  detail>>
eminent scholar
魁士  detail>>
erudite scholar
学问高深的人  detail>>
exchange scholar
交流学者  detail>>
feed the scholar
乞米养状元  detail>>