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scoundrel’s luck
探索者的幸运  detail>>
 n.  恶棍,无赖。  adj.  恶棍(般)的,无赖的;卑鄙的。  n.  -ism ...  detail>>
be in luck
得时 有运气,幸运 运气好  detail>>
for luck
为了表示吉利  detail>>
in luck
幸运 运气好  detail>>
 n.  1.运气,造化。 2.幸运,侥幸。 3.〔古语〕带来幸运的东西。  短语和例子   goo...  detail>>
no luck
运气不佳  detail>>
no such luck
没那份运气  detail>>
of luck
好运 幸运  detail>>
artful scoundrel
狡猾的恶棍  detail>>
be stabbed by a scoundrel
被歹徒捅了一刀  detail>>
contemptible scoundrel
跳梁小丑  detail>>
death of a scoundrel
无赖汉之死  detail>>
rascal; scoundrel
恶徒  detail>>
scoundrel time
邪恶的时代  detail>>
scoundrel; rogue
坏东西  detail>>
the royal scoundrel
沙滩仔与周师奶  detail>>
thorough scoundrel
彻头彻尾的坏蛋 大流氓  detail>>