| 1. | Jordanians covered in mud enjoy a day in the dead sea resort on february 29 , 2008 2月29日,在约旦的死海旅游胜地,人们将死海泥涂满全身,享受一个既惬意又健康的假期。 |
| 2. | The president , a black belt in judo , was also depicted in fighting garb , fixing the engine of his car or holidaying in the black sea resort of sochi 小朋友们还描绘了获得柔道黑腰带级别的普京总统身着柔道服的模样,以及他修理汽车发动机和在黑海索契疗养地度假的情景。 |
| 3. | An eye - catching four - way summit was wrapped up at this red sea resort on monday evening with participants taking steps towards the resumption of mideast peace process 埃及总统穆巴拉克与约旦国王阿卜杜拉、巴民族权力机构主席阿巴斯和以色列总理奥尔默特各代表一方参加会议。 |
| 4. | Abbas appealed to israeli prime minister ehud olmert to start true and sincere peace negotiations and asked for a timetable for the talks at this red sea resort on monday 当日,奥尔默特在沙姆沙伊赫与阿巴斯会面,探讨如何应对近期巴勒斯坦内部局势变化以及重启巴以和平进程等问题。 |
| 5. | The reefs had sustained damage for years as eilat and the neighboring jordanian red sea resort of aqaba grew from isolated desert outposts into tourist boom towns 随着埃拉特和邻近的约旦红海旅游胜地亚喀巴湾由荒凉的沙漠村落成长为新兴的旅游城市,那里的珊瑚礁数年来一直受到破坏。 |
| 6. | Wednesday , the president will join seven other world leaders in the german baltic sea resort of heiligendamm for a three - day g - 8 summit of the world ' s leading industrialized countries 星期三,布什总统将会同另外7个国家的领导人参加在德国东北地区的海利根达姆举行的工业化八国集团的首脑会议。 |
| 7. | Russian president vladimir putin skis at a skiing center , outside the black sea resort of sochi on february 23 , 2008 . sochi was chosen last year to host the 2014 olympic winter games 2月23日,俄罗斯总统普京在俄黑海沿岸著名度假胜地索契的一个滑雪中心大显身手。索契于去年赢得2014年冬奥会举办权。 |
| 8. | In their heyday , the corals along the shores of the israeli red sea resort of eilat were a hot spot for divers drawn by one of the most spectacular and biologically diverse reefs in the world 以色列红海旅游胜地埃拉特沿岸的珊瑚群在繁盛时期曾经是潜水爱好者们热衷的地方,他们被这片世界上最壮观、最千姿百态的珊瑚礁所吸引。 |
| 9. | Germany ' s baltic sea resort of heiligendamm , which will host the g8 summit in june , has revoked the honorary citizenship it awarded to adolf hitler in 1932 位于波罗的海岸边的德国旅游胜地海利根达姆市即将于今年6月份主办本年度的西方八国集团首脑会议( g8 ) 。该市近日决定,取消在1932年时授予纳粹头目阿道夫?希特勒的荣誉市民称号。 |
| 10. | The red sea resort of sharm el - sheikh was the best - selling package - holiday destination this summer for lastminute . com , the online travel company , out - selling last year ' s top resort of corfu and the traditional favourites , spain and the balearic islands 红海旅游胜地沙姆沙伊赫成为今年夏天在线旅游公司? ? “最后一分钟网站”中最走俏的包价旅游目的地,销售额超过了去年最佳的科孚岛以及西班牙和巴里亚利群岛等最受人喜爱的传统旅游胜地。 |