| 4. | I confess to thee , my lord , god and creator , to the one glorified and worshipped in holy trinity , to the father , son and holy spirit , all my sins which i have committed all the days of my life , at every hour , in the present and in the past , day and night , in thought , word and deed ; by gluttony , drunkenness , secret eating , idle talking , despondency , indolence , contradiction , neglect , aggressiveness , self love , hoarding , stealing , lying , dishonesty , curiosity , jealousy , envy , anger , resentment , and remembering wrongs , hatred , mercenariness ; and by all my senses : sight , hearing , smell , taste , touch ; and all other sins , spiritual and bodily , through which i have angered thee , my god and creator , and caused injustice to my neighbours 我向你,我主上帝,我的创造者忏悔;向你父子圣灵,于三位中受荣耀敬拜者坦承我一切的罪孽:也就是在我此生的所有岁月中,在当前和过去的每时每刻,在白昼和黑夜,以思,言,行为所犯的种种罪恶,诸如;暴食,醉饮,饕餮,空谈,失望,懒惰,违理,疏忽,凌藉,自私,悭吝,偷盗,撒谎,欺诈,窥探,忌妒,嫉羡,愤怒,怨毒,记仇,憎恨,贪财;以及我三司五官:视,听,嗅,尝,触所犯诸罪;并其余精神肉躯的诸般罪过。 |