| 1. | She has a sense of being dominated . 她感觉自己在听人指挥。 |
| 2. | He had a sense of being met and baffled . 他感到自己受到顶撞而且有点不知所措。 |
| 3. | It was because of a sense of being disloyal to the other grandchildren . 那只是因为怕有负于其他的外孙。 |
| 4. | But irrational reproaches were easier to bear than the sense of being instructed . 但是不合理的指责还算不得什么,更难受的是意识到自己给人抓了岔子。 |
| 5. | The man of the world awoke with a sense of being lost of that world, and a dim recollection of having been called a "limit" . 名流醒来时觉得自己已经名誉扫地,同时迷迷糊糊记得被人骂做“瘪三”。 |
| 6. | Industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning is the dust in the streets , and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some the colleges . 工业与高雅的学术气氛结合的唯一结果,就是满街的尘土和笼罩着某些学院的茫然若失的可怜相。 |
| 7. | A sense of being invaded by an entity from the supernatural realm 有被超自然实体入侵的感受 |
| 8. | There is a sense of being rejected associated with this aspect 这相位跟遭受拒绝的感受有关。 |
| 9. | . . . a sense of being invaded by an entity from the supernatural realm 有被超自然实体入侵的感受 |
| 10. | The child is one with the existence and has no sense of being separate 小孩是与存在一起的,并没有分开的感觉。 |