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Chinese translation for "strange-looking"


Related Translations:
mysterious stranger:  神秘陌生人
strange smell:  异臭
strange tour:  奇异的旅程
doctor strange:  奇怪博士
strange days:  21世纪的前一天末世纪暴潮/奇日末世界暴潮世纪末暴潮
strange field:  就用它操作那神秘力场
strange behavior:  奇怪行为
strange mountain:  奇怪的山
strange science:  科学奇闻
stranger species:  罕见种
Example Sentences:
1.On the lonely, lifeless landscape of the moon, a strange-looking vehicle squats motionless under the sun's glaring rays .
2.With a strange - looking goatee
3.With a strange - looking goatee
4.He has built these scraps of metal into a very strange - looking sculpture
5.Namespace and f is unqualified in a rather strange - looking manner
6.To accomplish this i ve added the strange - looking method , shown in listing 5
7.Standing inside were lots of white - skinned , strange - looking creatures with large black eyes
8.The strange - looking gramophone cost less than 100 to build , but most of it was made out of scrap metal
9.Soon after i boarded the bus , i noticed a strange - looking man . he wore an ill - fitting coat , and sat rooted in his seat
10.The sun s disc , enlarged by the mist , seemed an enormous ring of gold , and passepartout was amusing himself by calculating its value in pounds sterling , when he was diverted from this interesting study by a strange - looking personage who made his appearance on the platform
Similar Words:
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