| 1. | The operand is the 32 - bit integer argument to a switch instruction 该操作数为switch指令的32位整数参数。 |
| 2. | Manu - lifestyle scheme contribution investment instruction fund switching instruction 宏利写意生活强积金计划 |
| 3. | Manulife global select scheme contribution investment instruction fund switching instruction 宏利环球精选强积金计划 |
| 4. | You can make 4 fund switching instructions and 4 changes of investment mandate in each financial year free of charge 具弹性的投资选择在每一个财政年度,你均可转移基金 |
| 5. | Members can make 4 fund switching instructions and 4 changes of investment mandate in each financial year free of charge 具弹性的投资选择在每一个财政年度,成员均可转移基金 |
| 6. | Where a member gives a switching instruction in respect of units relating to the bea ( mpf ) long term guaranteed fund , the switching instruction must be in respect of all such units credited to the account of the relevant member 如结馀是由东亚(强积金)保证基金转拨至别个成分基金,则须将全部结馀转拨。 |
| 7. | If amounts in respect of a member are withdrawn or transferred for reasons other than qualifying events ( e . g . as a result of a switching instruction ) , the guarantor will pay the normal account balance to the trustee 如基于合符规定事项以外的理由(例如:转换指示)而提取或转移与成员有关的款额,保证人将支付正常账户结馀予受托人。 |
| 8. | A member can , in accordance with a changing of investment climate or his own personal needs , instruct the trustee to switch his accrued benefits from one constituent fund to one or more other constituent funds free of charge . members may give up to 4 switching instructions in any one financial year of the master trust 计划成员亦可因应投资环境或个人需要的转变,指示受托人将他的结馀,由一个成分基金转拨至另一个或数个成分基金,费用全免,但在计划的同一个财政年度内祗可转拨4次。 |