After the rough sea voyage we were glad to reach terra firma 经过了海上航行的惊涛骇浪,我们十分高兴来到陆地上。
Endowed with terra firma grandeur , china is reputed as the single oldest uninterrupted civilization in the world 中国是一个幅员广阔,具有辉煌灿烂的文明史的独立主权国家。
Now , drawing on new insights , theories , measurements and technologies ? and perhaps a bit of scientific bravado ? they are forecasting the shape of terra firma in the distant future 现在,凭藉新的洞见、理论、测量和技术,以及也许再加上一点科学上的虚张声势,他们正在预测遥远的未来陆地的形貌。
Thus , we appreciate huxley ' s wry comment and note that even children get the humor of cartoon physics , where , for example , a character running off a cliff does not fall until he realizes that he has left terra firma 所以我们可以领略赫胥黎的揶揄之语,也能意会卡通里连小孩都看得懂的物理玩笑,例如卡通人物冲出悬崖之后,一直要到发现自己已经离开了陆地,才会从半空中掉下去。
As for his suspicions , once on terra firma , once that he had seen the indifferent , if not friendly , appearance of his hosts , his anxiety had quite disappeared , or rather , at sight of the goat , had turned to appetite 至于他以前的种种预测,在他登陆以后,看到那批主人的无所谓的即使不算是友谊的态度以后,他的成见已经打消了,或更准确一点说,是因为看到了那只山羊,以致他的念头已转到食欲上去了。
Believe me , and take comfort , this is better for me than tons of gold and cases of diamonds , even were they not as problematical as the clouds we see in the morning floating over the sea , which we take for terra firma , and which evaporate and vanish as we draw near to them 对我来说,这比成吨的黄金和成箱的钻石更加珍贵,即使那些黄金和钻石确实存在,不象我们在早晨看到深浮在海面上的,以为是陆地,而向它渐渐走近的时候就消失了的海市蜃楼。
Four shallops came off with very little noise alongside the lugger , which , no doubt , in acknowledgement of the compliment , lowered her own shallop into the sea , and the five boats worked so well that by two o clock in the morning all the cargo was out of the young amelia and on terra firma 四只小艇轻轻地驶近帆船,帆船无疑懂得这种迎候的意思,也放了自己的小艇下海。五只小艇工作得极其神速,到了早晨两点钟,全部货物使都从少女阿梅丽号上御到了环球号上。