| 1. | The brandenburg gate is the symbol of german unification 德国统一的象征是勃兰登堡门 |
| 2. | Of the brandenburg gate , a storch light plane landed .降落在勃兰登堡门前面的大街上。 |
| 3. | . . . of the brandenburg gate , a storch light plane landed . .降落在勃兰登堡门前面的大街上。 |
| 4. | The brandenburg gate in berlin was reopened , signifying the reunion of east and west germany 柏林的勃兰登堡在这一天重新开放,意味者东德和西德的统一 |
| 5. | At the brandenburg gate in berlin , addressing a speech to soviet leader mikhail gorbachev , june 1987 1987年6月,里根在柏林的勃兰登堡门向苏联领导人戈尔巴乔夫发表讲话 |
| 6. | The opening ceremony for the 2006 world cup will be held at the brandenburg gate , berlin ' s best known symbol 2006年世界杯的开幕式将在柏林最具标志性的建筑勃兰登堡门举行。 |
| 7. | The environmental group said the whales and dolphins on show at the brandenburg gate had been collected from european beaches , demonstrating that many were killed during commercial fishing or in accidents with ships 他们表示,布兰登堡大门的这些死鲸豚,来自欧洲的各个海岸,可以证明有许多鲸豚死于商业捕鱼或船只擦撞意外中。 |