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to a place where we’ll be safe
抵达平安之地  detail>>
but i know a place where we can go
但是我知道我们可以去的地方  detail>>
right here in the place where we belong
就在这个地方我们的归属地 在属于我们的世界  detail>>
safe place
安全场所 安全地点  detail>>
where are we
我们到哪儿了  detail>>
a place where there is sunshine
太阳地儿  detail>>
at the place where peach blossom
在那桃花盛开的地方  detail>>
place where books are bound
书籍装订厂  detail>>
place where bricks are made
砖场  detail>>
the place where dream bred
梦开始的地方  detail>>
to the place where the speaker is
向下的位置  detail>>
put in a safe place
搁好  detail>>
safe place from the storm
枪林弹雨中的安全带  detail>>
safe place to work
安全工作场所  detail>>
or return to where we were
或是回到我们原来的状况 或是与你和好如初  detail>>
up where we be belong
回到属于我们的地方  detail>>
up where we belong
冲上云霄 [警察与绅士 冲上云宵 创出新天地 所属之地 我们属于哪里 我心所属 直到我俩相属之处  detail>>
upo where we belong
飞开 飞升  detail>>