| 1. | I am going to expose all this humbug . 我要揭露这一切骗人的鬼话。 |
| 2. | He besought her not to expose herself . 他恳求她千万不要着凉。 |
| 3. | He was going to expose their triviality once and for all . 他将彻底暴露他们的浅薄无能。 |
| 4. | Sweden could not be expected to expose herself to invasion by germany . 我们不能期望瑞典自己去招致德国的侵犯。 |
| 5. | The base of scion is cut diagonally to expose a large oval of cambium . 接穗的基部被切成斜形,暴露出椭圆形的大圈形成层。 |
| 6. | In the words of one in attendance, "there is little need to expose others in public. " 用一位参加者的话说:“没有什么必要在公共场合揭露别人。” |
| 7. | If timber poles are used, the bark can be peeled off the tops to expose the light colored sapwood . 如用圆木杆,可削去顶端树皮,露出木质部的明亮色泽。 |
| 8. | We shall try by means of a highly simplified development to expose certain advantages and disadvantages of solid propellant rocket systems . 我们想通过相当简单的推导来试图阐明固体推进剂火箭系统的某些优缺点。 |
| 9. | Even all the padlocks were removed, and it only remained to raise the heavy lid, and to expose the treasures of this long-secreted hoard . 甚至连箱子上所有的锁都已经打开了,单等他们揭开沉重的箱盖,揭示长期隐藏在宝库中的宝贝了。 |
| 10. | During this unavoidable lapse of time the bridegroom, in proof of his eagerness, was expected to expose himself alone to the gaze of the assembled company . 在这不可避免的间隙中,新郎必须单独出现在众目睽睽之下,以表明他对新娘情真意切的渴望。 |