Today , the catholic church recognizes at least three different saints named valentine or valentinus , all of whom were martyred 今天,罗马天主教认为至少有三个叫做瓦伦丁或者瓦伦丁诺斯的圣徒为教义献身了
The learned gnosis of valentinus , basilides , and their schools presupposes this popular gnosis , which , however , has been thoroughly hellenized and christianized and sometimes comes very near to the views of middle platonism 有学问的亚伦丁,巴兹尔诺斯替派,他们的学校预示着这种通俗的诺斯替(灵知) ,然而,通过希腊化和基督教化,有时候变成了十分接近中期柏拉图主义的观点。
The learned gnosis of valentinus , basilides , and their schools presupposes this popular gnosis , which , however , has been thoroughly hellenized and christianized and sometimes comes very near to the views of middle platonism 然而,博学的亚伦丁,巴兹尔诺斯替派,他们的学派预料这种通俗的诺斯替(灵知) ,已经彻底的希腊化和基督教化,有时已变成十分接近中期柏拉图主义的观点。