length: n.1.长,长度,长短。2.(时间的)长短,期间。3.(赛艇的)一艇的长度;一马的长度。4.程度,范围。5.【板球】球程;投至适当距离的球。6.【语言学】音长。7.一段,一节。短语和例子a dress length, a length of cloth 一段料。 a length of pipe [tubing] 一节管子。 The boat won by three le
Example Sentences:
The ssl record protocol , the lower level of the two protocols , encrypts and decrypts variable length records of data for higher level protocols , such as the ssl handshake protocol “ ssl记录协议”是两个协议中较低级别的协议,它为较高级别的协议,例如ssl握手协议对数据的变长的记录进行加密和解密。