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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

wean vt.1.使断奶。2.使从…中脱离出来,使疏远 (fro...
weaner n.断了奶的幼畜;断奶器。
weanling adj.,n.刚断奶的(婴孩或幼畜)。
weapon n.武器,兵器;斗争工具[手段]。 absolute w...
wear vt.(wore ; worn )1.穿着,戴着,挂着,...
wearable adj.可穿着的,可佩戴的,适于穿着[佩戴]的。n.( ...
wearer n.1.穿着者,佩戴者。2.磨损物,消耗物。
weariful adj.讨厌的;令人疲倦的。adv.-ly ,-ness...
weariless adj.不疲倦的;不厌烦的。adv.-ly ,-ness...
wearing adj.1.穿着的,服用的。2.消耗(性)的。3.使疲倦...
wearing apparel 衣服;服装。
wearisome adj.令人疲倦的;叫人厌倦[生厌]的;乏味的。
weary adj.( -rier; -riest )1.疲倦的,困...
weasand n.【解剖学】1.食管;喉。2.〔古语〕气管。
weasel n.1.【动物;动物学】鼬鼠。2.〔美口〕鬼鬼祟祟的人;...
weather n.1.天气,气候;暴风雨(天气)。2.(某种)时候;处...
weather beaten adj.受过风吹雨打的;满脸风霜的;饱经世故的 ( a ...
weather breeder 风雨的预兆〔将有风雨的晴天等〕。
weather bureau 〔美国〕气象局。
weather chart 气象图。
weather deck 【航海】露天甲板。
weather eye 1.气候观察眼;注意天气。2.留神 (keep one'...
weather forecast 天气预报。
weather gage 【航海】上风位置;比别的船[别人]有利的地位 ( hav...
weather gauge 【航海】上风位置;比别的船[别人]有利的地位 ( hav...
weather map 气象图。
weather molding 【建筑】泻水线条,滴水(石)。
weather moulding 【建筑】泻水线条,滴水(石)。
weather report 气象通报;天气预报。
weather service 气象服务(站)。
weather station 气象台。
weather vane weather vane = weathercock.
weather-bound adj.被恶劣天气所阻的。
weather-driven adj.被暴风吹着跑的。
weather-man 〔口语〕气象学家;测候员,天气预报员;〔美国〕气象局职员...
weather-proof adj.抗风蚀的,不受天气影响的,经得起风雨的。
weather-prophet 天气预测家、天气预报器、能预报天气的东西〔鸟、虫等〕。
weather-stained adj.(墙壁等)被风雨弄褪了色的。
weather-wise adj.很会预测天气的;对舆论敏感的;善于体会别人感情[...
weatherboard n. 【建筑】檐板;【航海】上风舷;炮门的挡雨板;防浪板...
weathercock 风信鸡,风标;变化无常的人,随风倒的人;政治风向标〔指表...
weatherglass 晴雨表;湿度表。
weatherometer 老化试验器;(测试塑料性能的)大气腐蚀剂。
weatherstrip 【建筑】(塞在窗门缝里)挡风雨的木条[橡皮条]。
weatherworn adj.被风雨剥蚀了的。
weave vt.1.织;编制;织结;编拢;编进。2.〔比喻〕构成,...
weaver n.1.织者,织工;编制者。2.【鸟类】织巢鸟 ( = ...
weazen adj.= wizen.
web n.1.蜘蛛网;蛛网状东西,网状组织;【纺织;印染】棉[...
web page 【计算机】网页。
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