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Chinese translation for "with a balcony"


Related Translations:
balcony:  n.1.露台,阳台。2.(剧场二楼)楼座〔 gallery 之下, dress circle 之上〕。3.舰尾望台。
cantilevered balcony:  挑阳台
sun balcony:  日浴台
terminal balcony:  终端杆站台
balcony access:  挑廓式入口
balcony lift:  平台升降机
balcony beautify:  阳台美化
balcony cubicle:  露台房间;骑楼房骑楼房
balcony lining:  阳台饰面
balcony truss:  眺台桁架
Example Sentences:
1.So can i get a double room with a balcony
2.Man1 : i want a room with a balcony
3.Do you have a room with a balcony
4.I ' d like a room with a balcony
5.It ' s simple digs upstairs with a balcony to lounge on . you may have the joint to yourself
6.E d antin , that s the real centre of paris . " boulevard de l op ra , " said beauchamp ; " the second floor - a house with a balcony
“在戏院大道中, ”波尚说道, “挑一间有阳台的房子,住在二楼上。
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