He took up a little blue and yaller picture of some cows and a boy , and says 他拿起了一幅小小的画片,上面画着几头牛和一个小孩子。
" you ll be her . you slide in , in the middle of the night , and hook that yaller girl s frock . “你就是她,你半夜里溜进去,把那个黄脸丫头的袍子偷出来。 ”
If i had a yaller dog that didn t know no more than a person s conscience does i would pison him 要是我有一条黄狗,也象一个人的良心那么个样子,分不清好歹,我便会把它毒死拉倒。
At the door tom dropped back a step and accosted a sunday - dressed comrade : " say , billy , got a yaller ticket ? 在门口,汤姆故意放慢一步,跟一个穿着星期天服装的同伴打了招呼: “喂,贝利,你有黄色票吗? ”
" well , measles , and whooping - cough , and erysiplas , and consumption , and yaller janders , and brain - fever , and i don t know what all . “嗯,麻疹百日咳,还有一种非常厉害的皮肤病,还有痨病黄疸病脑膜炎,还有别的什么,连我也说不清。 ”
We shut the cellar door behind us , and when they found the bag they spilt it out on the floor , and it was a lovely sight , all them yaller - boys 我们随手把地窖的门关上。他们一发现装钱的袋子,便往地板上一倒,只见金灿灿的一堆堆,煞是好看。
Everybody made a rush for the front door , because , of course , a stranger don t come every year , and so he lays over the yaller - fever , for interest , when he does come 大伙儿一个个朝大门口涌去,因为有一个外地的客人来到,这可并非每年都有的事。他一来,比黄热病更加引人注意。
So tom he wrote the nonnamous letter , and i smouched the yaller wench s frock that night , and put it on , and shoved it under the front door , the way tom told me to 汤姆就写下了那封匿名信。我呢,按照汤姆的吩咐,在那天晚上,偷了那黄脸皮丫头的衫子穿上,把那封信塞到了大门下面。
I never see the beat of it in all my born days . a shirt , and a sheet , and a spoon , and six can - " missus , " comes a young yaller wench , " dey s a brass cannelstick miss n . 一件衬衫,一条床单,还有一把调羹,还有六根蜡” “太太, ”来了一个年轻的黑白混血儿丫头, “一只铜烛台不见了。 ”
But when the dead man says ther s six thous n dollars , you know , we don t want to - " hold on , " says the duke . " le s make up the deffisit , " and he begun to haul out yaller - boys out of his pocket 既然死者说是六千块大洋,你知道吧,我们就不愿” “等一等, ”公爵说, “由我们来补足”一边从口袋里掏出了金灿灿的钱。