The book , much like this review , isn ' t a quick read 这不是那种可以“一目十行”的书,这篇书评也不是。
I will tell on you too , " said pao - yu 黛玉笑道:只许你过目成诵,难道我就不能一目十行了么?
He reads extensively on a wide range of subjects , from the classics and literature to science , technology , economics and management 汪老涉猎极广,从经史子集到文学名著,从天文地理到财经科技,无所不读,且一目十行、过目不忘。
To have a strong memory for vocabulary is not myth . we are confindent that readers can learn words by heart if they apply themselves to learning vocabulary 一目十行、过目不忘绝非神话,唯亲身体验才能理解中奥妙,望各位读者都能运用本书精髓,轻松学单字。