Chinese translation for "中华放射医学与防护杂志"
- chinese journal of radiological medicine and protection
Related Translations:
中华汽车: china motor busmitsubishi 中华法系: chinese lawchinese legal system 中华日本学会: china society for japan studies 中华马鲛: chinese mackerelchinese seerfish 中华小当家: chinese little masterchūka ichiban 中华汽车有限公司: china motor bus co. ltdchina motor bus co., ltd
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Chinese journal of radiological medicine and protection 中华放射医学与防护杂志 | | 2. | Parkins cs , fowler f . repair in mouse lung of multifraction x ray and neutrons : extension to 40 fractions . briti j radio , 1985 , 58 : 1101 宋良文,崔雪梅,高亚兵,等.放射性肺纤维化起始部位的探讨.中华放射医学与防护杂志, 1997 , 17 : 84 - 87 | | 3. | 1 liu shuzheng . stimulatory effect of low dose radiation on immunity . abstracts of the 4th international conference on high levels of natural radiation , beijing , china , october 1996 , 8 2陈识杰,姜雅梅,于河有,等.广东高本底地区居民血清免疫球蛋白含量的测定.中华放射医学与防护杂志, 1982 , 2 : 68 |
- Similar Words:
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