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Chinese translation for "中华蚱蜢"

chinese short horned grasshopper

Related Translations:
蚱蜢:  grasshopper; locust
李中华:  zhonghua li
中华思想:  culture of china
中华少年:  chinese children
中华汽车:  china motor busmitsubishi
中华法系:  chinese lawchinese legal system
中华日本学会:  china society for japan studies
中华马鲛:  chinese mackerelchinese seerfish
中华小当家:  chinese little masterchūka ichiban
中华汽车有限公司:  china motor bus co. ltdchina motor bus co., ltd
Example Sentences:
1.Analysis of protein and fatty acids in locusta migratoria manilensis and acrida cinera
2.The number of species was most in the southern slope of qinling mountain where there were 44 species . the northern of ba mountain was the second with about 36 species , and least species in hanzhong basin where there were only 14 species
汉中盆地以东洋界的稻蝗属oxya为主,还有部分广布种,如疣蝗trilophidiaannulata ( thunbberg ) 、中华蚱蜢acridacinereathunberg和花胫绿纹蝗aiolopusthalassinus ( fabr . ) 。
3.Oogenesis was described briefly and the ways of the formation of yolk granules were explored . at first , eight stages in the oogenesis of the acrida chinensis were distinguished and described respectively , basing on the changes of the oocyte ' s size , chromosomal changes in the nucleus of the oocyte , vitellogenesis and the size of the follicle cells
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