Chinese translation for "中等长度"
- moderate-length
Related Translations:
中等功率放大器: intermediate power amplifier 中等生活水平: decent standard of lifereasonable standard of life 中等压力: medium pre uremedium pressure
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | It was a wooden bench of a medium length 这是一条中等长度的木头长椅。 | | 2. | The coat is predominantly long , sometimes of intermediate length 绝大多数犬覆毛很长,有些为中等长度。 | | 3. | It is of medium length , neither cobby nor slack from excessive length 中等长度,既不矮胖、不松弛也不过长。 | | 4. | My hair is average length 我头发中等长度。 | | 5. | Hair : medium length , straight with dense undercoat , never soft , wavy or wiry 毛:中等长度,直,绒毛密,不会软、成波状或丝状。 | | 6. | Hair : medium length , straight with dense undercoat , never soft , wavy or wiry 毛质:中等长度,直,底毛密,不可以软、成波状或丝状。 | | 7. | Heavy , slightly arched , tapering from shoulders to back of skull . no looseness of skin . medium length 颈部粗大,稍有弓形,自肩至脑后收缩,皮肤紧绷不松弛,中等长度。 | | 8. | I like to look professional , so i usually wear a suit with a medium - length skirt , and a simple blouse 我喜欢看上去很职业化,所以我总是穿着西服和中等长度的裙子和一件样式简单的女式衬衫。 | | 9. | Recently i bought a spear which is similar with the third one from left . i guess they ' re in late qing dynasty 前几天我刚买了一把和左起中等长度的第三把有点相象的枪头,我猜这些东西应该到了晚清 | | 10. | Aerospace ; bihexagonal head bolts , close tolerance , with mj - thread , medium thread length , in steel , nominal tensile strength 1800 mpa , for temperatures up to 235 c 航空和航天.带mj螺纹紧公差中等长度螺纹钢制 |
- Similar Words:
- "中等膘头" Chinese translation, "中等病症" Chinese translation, "中等操作条件" Chinese translation, "中等产量指标" Chinese translation, "中等场强区" Chinese translation, "中等长度棉花" Chinese translation, "中等长度裙" Chinese translation, "中等长度扫描" Chinese translation, "中等长度纤维结肠镜" Chinese translation, "中等长度羊毛" Chinese translation