Chinese translation for "任命书"
- ernennungsurkunde f
letter of appointment
Related Translations:
任命: commission; designate; appoint; nominate 短语和例子任命他为校长 appoint him president (of the college); 被任命为驻 ...大使 be appoined ambassador to .. 任命伦理学: appointment ethics 任命者: appointerappointorinstallant 限期任命: limited duration appointment 再任命: reappointmentreappointrenominaterenominationrenomination 任命程序: nomination procedures 任命权: appointment powernominationpower of appointment
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Note : application letter , power of attorney , appointment letter and other documnets , we ' ll write all ducs , you just need to sign it 注:申请书、委托书、董事会决议、任命书由我们起草,投资方或授权人签字就可以了。 | | 2. | John bolton presents his credentials as us ambassador to the un a day after the controversial diplomat received the recess appointment from president bush 博尔顿向联合国递交了美国驻联合国大使任命书,他于此前一天在有争议的情况下接受了布什总统的秘密任命。 |
- Similar Words:
- "任命陆旭辉" Chinese translation, "任命伦理学" Chinese translation, "任命孟浩宇" Chinese translation, "任命名单" Chinese translation, "任命权" Chinese translation, "任命他为校长" Chinese translation, "任命通知" Chinese translation, "任命为祭司" Chinese translation, "任命为军官" Chinese translation, "任命为牧师" Chinese translation