Chinese translation for "传统预算"
- traditional budget
Related Translations:
传统剑: conventional weapons 传统文献: vocabulary of information and documentation―traditional documents 传统生活方式: formalistic life styletraditional way of living 教育传统: pedagogical tradition 传统资源: conventional resourcestraditional resource 传统课程: traditional curriculum 传统登山服: traditional costumes trekking wear
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | However , along with the change of the environment , more and more people thinks the traditional budget management can not be able to adapt to the new management circumstances , even has certain harm to the organization management 然而随着环境的日益变化,越来越多的人认为,传统预算管理不仅不能适应新的经营环境,妨碍组织的变化与创新,甚至对组织经营有一定的危害。 | | 2. | This article exerts oneself the elaboration surmounting budget the background , the connotation as well as to the traditional budget comparison superiority , simultaneously pointed out the surmounting budget budgets the management innovation to our country enterprise the enlightenment 文章论述了超越预算的背景、内涵以及相对于传统预算的比较优势,指出超越预算对我国企业预算管理创新的启示。 | | 3. | The budget reform of department is not merely the improvement of preparing method or means of the budget . it is even not merely a basic change from idea to content of traditional budget that is continued to use for many years . it is the revolutionary action for the whole framework of market economy of our country and public finance basic frame 部门预算改革不仅仅是预算编制方法和手段的改进,甚至也不仅仅是对沿用多年的传统预算编制方法从观念到内容的根本改变,而且是对我国市场经济整体构架和公共财政基本框架,以及对政府行为的约束、监督与规范产生根本影响的革命性举措。 | | 4. | The article is based on analyzing the defaults of traditional budgeting , explains the advantages of activity - based budgeting and discusses the main framework of activity - based budgeting . in the final part this article discusses some general problems about the application of abb and personal point of view about the abb ' s application in china is given in this part 本文在对传统预算的作用和缺陷进行评价的基础上,阐述了作业基础预算的优势,探讨了作业基础预算的基本框架,分析了作业基础预算的实际应用方面的问题,并对作业基础预算在中国的应用表达了自己的看法。 |
- Similar Words:
- "传统与先进的方式比较" Chinese translation, "传统与现代家庭" Chinese translation, "传统语法" Chinese translation, "传统语言文字学" Chinese translation, "传统语言学" Chinese translation, "传统园林" Chinese translation, "传统园林建筑" Chinese translation, "传统圆环" Chinese translation, "传统圆舞" Chinese translation, "传统越南民谣" Chinese translation