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Chinese translation for "伸缩振动"

stretching vibration

Related Translations:
伸缩管:  compatibilitydraw tubedrawtubeexpa ion pipeexpansion pipeexte ion tubeextension tubehelically-grilled tubeslidetelescopic ducttelescopic pipetelescopic tubetelescoping tube
伸缩刀:  retractable knife
伸缩臂:  telescopic armtelescopic boomtelescopic jib
可伸缩:  extension-typetelescopic
伸缩鼓:  bellowssylphon
伸缩装置:  retractordevice
伸缩喇叭:  trombone
伸缩计:  ductilometreextensimeter (or extensometer)
伸缩编法:  stocking stitch st. st
伸缩接合套:  slip joint sleeve
Example Sentences:
1.Asymmetrical stretching vibration
2.Symmetrical stretching vibration
3.Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics . radial extension vibration mode for disk
4.Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics - thickness extension vibration mode for disk
5.Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics . transverse length extension vibration mode for bar
6.Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics - longitudinal length extension vibration mode for rod
7.The crystalline structure of film is as microcrystalline cubic phase p - sic and shows ( 111 ) preferred direction , the adsorption peak corresponds to the stretch frequency peak of si - c bond of p - sic
傅立叶变换红外光谱( ftir )分析发现主吸收峰对应于- sic的si - c键的伸缩振动吸收。
8.P - nmr and the dynamic light scattering spectroscopy . the results show that the water content and the size of the reversed micelles increased with the increase of gold content in the organic phase . the po stretching decreases , while the
9.The ultrasonic motor is a kind of direct driver which is uses the converse piezoelectric effect of the piezoelectricity ceramics , by using transformation and the coupling of each kind of expansion and contraction vibration pattern enlarging the material microscopic distortion by resonate effect and transforming it to macroscopic movement of the rotor or the slide by the friction coupling
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