Chinese translation for "低压液压系统"
- niederdruckhydraulik/niederdrucksystem low-pressure hydraulic system
Related Translations:
低压轮: low-pressure wheellow-pressuredisc 低压压力表: low pressure gauge 低压灯泡: bulb low pressurelow pressure bulblow voltage bulb 低压绕组: low te ion windinglow tension windinglow voltage windinglow-tension windinglow-voltage winding 低压梯度: low-pressure gradient 弱低压: weak depressionweak low pressureweak low-pressure 低压火箭发动机: low-pressure rocket engine 低压绝缘子: low tension insulatorlow voltage i ulatorlow voltage insulator 低压吹管: injector torchlowpressure torch
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Applicable for the oil filtration of various hydraulic systems , lubricating systems , static pressure systems , filtering for infused new oil liquids and cleanliness for lower pressure hydraulic systems 适用于各行业的液压系统,润滑系统静压系统的油液净化加注新油,也可对低压液压系统进行清洗。 |
- Similar Words:
- "低压液面计" Chinese translation, "低压液氢储存系统" Chinese translation, "低压液相色谱" Chinese translation, "低压液相色谱法" Chinese translation, "低压液压齿轮泵" Chinese translation, "低压液压站" Chinese translation, "低压仪器" Chinese translation, "低压乙炔发生器" Chinese translation, "低压引擎" Chinese translation, "低压永磁发电机" Chinese translation