| 1. | I wasn't exactly sure where the office was . 办公室座落何方,我不十分清楚。 |
| 2. | The sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass never knows where he may be cast . 水手上船如果没有舵和罗盘,将永远不知道自己驶向何方。 |
| 3. | His faith in himself had been shattered and now he felt rootless and adrift . 他的自信心已经崩溃,此时此刻,他觉得自己犹如一叶浮萍,不知飘向何方。 |
| 4. | But the enemies of tyrannywhither does their path tend? to the tomb, and to immortality ! 可是暴政的敌人,他们的道路又会引向何方呢?引向坟墓,引向永生! |
| 5. | The amorists flutter here and there on the spring breezes, unknowing where they go, uncaring . 情人们成双地乘着春风四处飘翔,他们不知去向何方,也毫不将此放在心上。 |
| 6. | Where the nets go from there is still up in the air 网队将去向何方仍不得而知。 |
| 7. | Which way will chinese apparel brands step on 中国服装品牌的出路到底在何方? |
| 8. | They act as if they know where they ' re going 他们显得好象很清楚自己在走向何方。 |
| 9. | What kind of hippie am l ? man , i ' m a business hippie 我是何方神圣?我是个生意人 |
| 10. | Where would my soul go , without your guidance 若少了您的指引,我的灵魂归往何方? |