Chinese translation for "你做什么"
- we hope to see you again
Related Translations:
什么: 1.(表示疑问; 单用, 问事物) 短语和例子你要什么? what do you want? 他说什么? what did he say?2.(用在名词前面, 问人或事物) 短语和例子有什么消息? what news? 我们出口什么商品? what commodities do we export? 他是什么人? who is he?3.(表示不肯定的事物) 短语和例子不知
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Do as you like ; i do not care what you do . 请便,我才不在乎你做什么呢。 | | 2. | You shall do what you are told . 叫你做什么你就该做什么。 | | 3. | Do what you are told . 叫你做什么就做什么。 | | 4. | Why did you oversleep ? what did you do the night before the exam ? 你为什么睡过头呢?考试的前一天晚上你做什么? | | 5. | - yo , just be quiet and do as you ' re told , a ' ight ? - 安静,说什么你做什么,好吗 | | 6. | Whatever you do is our business , young lady . . 不管你做什么都和我有关年轻人. . | | 7. | What do you do ? - i ' ve been away for a while 你做什么工作? -我离开过一段时间 | | 8. | Can i help you , your majesty ? - ah , yes ! um 我能帮你做什么,陛下?哦,对,嗯 | | 9. | - what do you do ? - i ' ve been away for a while -你做什么工作? -我离开过一段时间 | | 10. | Lt ' s . . . whatever you do , that ' s your own business 无论你做什么都是你自己的事 |
- Similar Words:
- "你做了一个正确的决定。" Chinese translation, "你做梦吗" Chinese translation, "你做那样的事使我太失望了" Chinese translation, "你做那一行" Chinese translation, "你做生意行吗" Chinese translation, "你做什么工作" Chinese translation, "你做什么消遣" Chinese translation, "你做什么消遗" Chinese translation, "你做事总这么毛糙" Chinese translation, "你做完功课再出去" Chinese translation