| 1. | We have defended the fruits of our victory . 我们保卫了我们的胜利果实。 |
| 2. | He gave his life in defence of his country . 他在保卫祖国的时候付出了生命。 |
| 3. | I'd go to the pit itself to save the union . 为了保卫合众国,我宁愿下地狱。 |
| 4. | Most countries have armies for their defence . 大多数国家都有保卫国家的军队。 |
| 5. | The property protection chief nodded his agreement . 财产保卫部长点了点头,表示同意。 |
| 6. | We will defend our motherland to the last drop of our blood . 我们愿为保卫祖国流尽最后一滴血。 |
| 7. | We erroneously believed ourselves destined for the defence of calais . 我们错认为派我们去保卫加莱。 |
| 8. | His greatest need is for guarantee, for protection, for security . 他的最大需要就是得到保障,保护和保卫。 |
| 9. | Truth telling is not compatible with the defence of the realm . 宣告真理与保卫这个王国是不相符合的两件事。 |
| 10. | Have you been in touch with madame sun yat-sen's china defense league ? 你和孙夫人的保卫中国同盟保持联系吗? |