Chinese translation for "减低价格"
- lower the price
reduce price
Related Translations:
减低: reduce; lower; bring down; cut; reduction; degradation; reducing; lowering 短语和例子减低百分之十 be lowered by ten percent; 父亲失业后, 我们不得不把生活费用减低到最低限度。 when father lost his job, our living expenses ha 强度减低: deterioration in strength 减低噪音: noise mitigationnoise redress
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | In order to close this deal , we shall further reduce our price by 5 % 我们将减低价格的5 %来促进我们合作的关系。 | | 2. | We will bring our price down by 5 % for a good start for business relationships 我们将减低价格的5 %来促进我们合作的关系。 | | 3. | However , if the seller remedies any failure to perform his obligations in accordance with article 37 or article 48 or if the buyer refuses to accept performance by the seller in accordance with those articles , the buyer may not reduce the price 但是,如果卖方按照第三十七条或第四十八条的规定对任何不履行义务做出补救,或者买方拒绝接受卖方按照该两条规定履行义务,则买方不得减低价格。 | | 4. | Article 44 notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph of article 39 and paragraph of article 43 , the buyer may reduce the price in accordance with article 50 or claim damages , except for loss of profit , if he has a reasonable excuse for his failure to give the required notice . section iii 尽管有第三十九条第款和第四十三条第款的规定,买方如果对他未发出所需的通知具备合理的理由,仍可按照第五十条规定减低价格,或要求利润损失以外的损害赔偿。 | | 5. | Article 50 if the goods do not conform with the contract and whether or not the price has already been paid , the buyer may reduce the price in the same proportion as the value that the goods actually delivered had at the time of the delivery bears to the value that conforming goods would have had at that time 如果货物不符合同,不论价款是否已付,买方都可以减低价格,减价按实际交付的货物在交货时的价值与符合合同的货物在当时的价值两者之间的比例计算。 |
- Similar Words:
- "减低含量" Chinese translation, "减低患癌机会" Chinese translation, "减低患结肠癌的危机" Chinese translation, "减低患消化管道癌症的危机" Chinese translation, "减低或防止磨擦之物" Chinese translation, "减低价值" Chinese translation, "减低井的流量" Chinese translation, "减低井流量" Chinese translation, "减低乐趣" Chinese translation, "减低冷却剂流" Chinese translation