Chinese translation for "减速性能"
- decelerability
deceleration performance
Related Translations:
减速力矩: decelerating torqueretarding moment 大气减速: atmospheric deceleration 早期减速: early deceleration, eded early deceleration 减速的: moderatingmoderativeretardedslow 中子减速: moderation of neutronsneutron degradationneutron moderationslowing down of neutrons
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Feedrate planning of continuous micro - line ' s start and end points are discussed , and the constraining conditions , including the machine ' s acceleration and deceleration capability , allowable error of corner machining , maximum acceleration and dynamical behavior of the machine , are established 。 摘要针对连续小直线段高速高精插补算法中起始点和终止点的速度规划,建立了包含机床加减速性能、转接处误差控制、最大加速度以及机床负载功率等的速度约束条件。 | | 2. | Simulation tests show that the machine ' s acceleration and deceleration capability is the key factor to the nc machining efficiency and precision when the turning angle between micro - lines is small , and the error of corner machining is the predominant factor when the turning angle increases to certain degree , and the machine ' s maximum driving moment becomes the decisive factor when the turning angle becomes big 通过仿真实验得出:当连续小直线段间拐角较小时,机床加减速性能是影响加工效率和表面精度的最主要因素;当拐角增大到一定程度时,误差的限制成为约束速度提高的主要矛盾;当拐角较大时,机床的最大驱动力矩起到主要作用。 |
- Similar Words:
- "减速型导管螺旋桨" Chinese translation, "减速型导管螺旋桨螺" Chinese translation, "减速行车线" Chinese translation, "减速行程" Chinese translation, "减速行驶" Chinese translation, "减速性损伤" Chinese translation, "减速靴" Chinese translation, "减速延迟阀" Chinese translation, "减速延迟节流孔" Chinese translation, "减速叶栅" Chinese translation