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Chinese translation for "减速性能"

deceleration performance

Related Translations:
减速力矩:  decelerating torqueretarding moment
减速流变:  decelerating flow
大气减速:  atmospheric deceleration
早期减速:  early deceleration, eded early deceleration
减速的:  moderatingmoderativeretardedslow
中子减速:  moderation of neutronsneutron degradationneutron moderationslowing down of neutrons
减速时期:  retarding period
减速术:  slow
减速缓冲器:  ddashpot
减速者:  decelerator
Example Sentences:
1.Feedrate planning of continuous micro - line ' s start and end points are discussed , and the constraining conditions , including the machine ' s acceleration and deceleration capability , allowable error of corner machining , maximum acceleration and dynamical behavior of the machine , are established 。
2.Simulation tests show that the machine ' s acceleration and deceleration capability is the key factor to the nc machining efficiency and precision when the turning angle between micro - lines is small , and the error of corner machining is the predominant factor when the turning angle increases to certain degree , and the machine ' s maximum driving moment becomes the decisive factor when the turning angle becomes big
Similar Words:
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