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Chinese translation for "划分问题"

partition problem
partitioned problem
partitioning problem

Related Translations:
通道划分:  channeling
业务划分:  delineation of activities
图划分:  graphic partitioning
划分者:  divider
重新划分:  refactoring
有限划分:  finite partitioning
节点划分:  node partition
密度划分:  density slicing
功能划分:  functional partitioning
区域划分:  regionalismzoning
Example Sentences:
1.? ? the exchange - rate regimes and its kinds
? ?汇率制度及其模式划分问题
2.Tree partition problems with some fixed vertices
3.The first problem is the basis of recognizing segments
4.Discussion on the historical stage division of countryside reform in our country
5.The devepment of economy district and compartmentalizing is one of the core of regional economics
6.Using these methods , the problems of optimum combination of many holes on a workpiece and the division of process steps in the strip layout of progressive die can be solved
7.Lisa pollack is the project ' s senior producer . she said this new technology which turns text into synthesized speech , is helping to bridge the digital divide
8.In the third chapter , we discuss the problem of preemptively schedule on - line jobs on m parallel machines , which have nonsimultaneous machine available times ai
E “ zrt jexj 1我们构造一个排序模型;可多项式变化到二划分问题,从而证明了问题1卜一0 ; bz叫二广; k的p完备性
9.Quantity of vast discrete points are compressed to a appropriate number and these points are partitioned to different quadrangle for the reason of surface approximation using nurbs
10.In chapter 2 we study two parallel machines scheduling to maximize non - delay jobs . the problem is np - hard for it contains a sub problem equivalent to partition problem
第二章讨论两台平行机排序极大化按期完工工件数问题,由于它的一个子问题等价于划分问题,因而该问题是一个np -难的问题。
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