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Home > english-chinese > "化工用石灰石采样与样品制备方法" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "化工用石灰石采样与样品制备方法"

limestone for chemical industry-methods of sampling and preparing

Related Translations:
石灰石滤料:  calcareous filter stone
化工:  [简] (化学工业; 化学工程) chemical industry; chemical engineering◇化工产品 chemical products; 化工商品 chemical goods; 化工原料 industrial chemicals
分析用粉末试样的制备:  spices and condiments - preperation of a ground sample for analysis
化工热力学:  chemical engineering thermodynamics
化工实验:  experiment of chemical engineering
化工设计:  chemical engineerin designchemical engineering design
化工中间体:  chemical intermediate
化工材料:  chemical materials
化工高等教育:  higher education in chemical engineering
化工类:  tipo de industria química
Example Sentences:
1.Methods of sampling and preparing
2.Limestone for chemical industry - methods of sampling and preparing
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