倍: Ⅰ名词(跟原数相同的量) times 短语和例子五倍 five times; 百倍 hundredfold; 该厂产量成倍增长。 the output of the factory has doubled and redoubled. 十是五的两倍。 ten is twice as much as five.Ⅱ形容词(加倍) double; twice as much 短语
收缩: 1.(由大变小; 由长变短) contract; shrink 短语和例子使肌肉收缩 contract a muscle; 低温使金属收缩。 low temperature contracts metals. 这肥皂会使毛织品收缩吗? will this soap shrink woolen clothes?2.(紧缩) concentrate one's forces;