He heard the distant hooters of stacks gate for seven o clock . it was monday morning . he shivered a little , and with his face between her breasts pressed her soft breasts up over his ears , to deafen him 他听见了远远的史德门在发着七点钟的号笛声,那是礼拜一的早晨,他有点害怕起来,他把脸孔埋在他的两只乳房间。
Flooding occurred so close to one center that the initiates could hear the sirens of police cars , ambulances and fire trucks as radio broadcasts urged people to leave their homes immediately 由于洪水泛滥的地区紧邻著小中心,同修们甚至可以听见警车救护车和救火车呜呜作响的号笛声,警方也透过收音机要民众立刻疏散离开位于灾区的家园。
Now you were just above the tangle of naked railway - lines , and foundries and other works rose about you , so big you were only aware of walls . and iron clanked with a huge reverberating clank , and huge lorries shook the earth , and whistles screamed 现在康妮正到了那光赤的铁道网的上头,那儿四面都起着高大的镀冶金属的工厂和其他的工厂,歙人觉得四周只是些墙壁,铁的声音在嚣响着,庞大的载货车震动着地皮,号笛叫着。