Chinese translation for "吸收促进剂"
- absorbefacient
Related Translations:
促进出口: boost exportexport promotion 促进竞争: need to break uold industries to create competitionpromote competition 促进合作: promote cooperation 促进者: boosterexpediterforwarderprecipitatorpromoter 促进作用: accelerationanxo actionanxoactionauxo-actionpromoter actionpromotion (= promotor action)promotor action (= promotion)stimulation 促进政策: facilitatingpolicies 行销促进: marketing promotion 促进活化剂: accelerator activator
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Effects of different penetration enhancers on the permeation of compound salicylic acid gel 不同透皮吸收促进剂对复方水杨酸凝胶透皮作用的影响 | | 2. | The recent advances , including applications , mechanisms and new research direction of penetration enhancers are summarized 摘要综述了近期透皮吸收促进剂的应用、促渗机制、新型透皮吸收促进剂的研究进展等。 |
- Similar Words:
- "吸收初速" Chinese translation, "吸收初速率" Chinese translation, "吸收处理" Chinese translation, "吸收窗" Chinese translation, "吸收床" Chinese translation, "吸收存款" Chinese translation, "吸收存款公司" Chinese translation, "吸收存款机构" Chinese translation, "吸收带" Chinese translation, "吸收带强度" Chinese translation