Chinese translation for "因为我这次来是"
- because l came here to break up with you
Related Translations:
只有这次你才能攀上巅峰: so you can be on tofor onceso you can be on top for once 只是因为: for no other reason than thatjust because 是因为: new yorkersimulation
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Because l came here to break up with you 因为我这次来是和你说分手的。 | | 2. | Because l came here to break up with you 因为我这次来是和你说分手的。 | | 3. | Because l came here to break up with you 因为我这次来是和你说分手的 | | 4. | Yeah . i fell for one chick and i m losing my mind . good luck with that 因为我这次来是和你说分手的 |
- Similar Words:
- "因为我在收音机里还听到他的声音" Chinese translation, "因为我在死亡中爱抚著你" Chinese translation, "因为我在死亡中爱抚着你" Chinese translation, "因为我在这里不再" Chinese translation, "因为我曾经违背过一些诺言" Chinese translation, "因为我这么说" Chinese translation, "因为我真的不想听你说" Chinese translation, "因为我知道" Chinese translation, "因为我知道,世间至爱也比不上母爱" Chinese translation, "因为我知道被爱意味着什么" Chinese translation