詹: Ⅰ形容词[书面语] (话多的) wordy; verboseⅡ动词[书面语]1.(至; 到达) arrive2.(视; 望) look at from afarⅢ名词(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子詹旭 zhan xu
Example Sentences:
That could culminate with the england striker taking a place among the substitutes against chelsea at st james ' park 那将使得英格兰前锋在圣詹姆士公园迎战切尔西替补出场时的状态达到顶峰。
Newcastle united chairman freddy shepherd has dismissed reports linking sven - goran eriksson with a move to st . james ' park 纽卡斯尔主席谢泼德否认了埃里克斯将来到圣詹姆士公园开始执教生涯的传闻。