Chinese translation for "地层油气藏"
- stratigraphic reservoir
Related Translations:
地层阻力: formation resistance 地层连通: combination of zones 倾斜地层: dipping formationdipping strataedge seaminclined stratumsloping bedtilted stratatilted stratum
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | It should not he equaled to lithologic stratigraphic reservoir or nonstructural reservoir as some specific reservoirs would be ignored if only the two latter ones are regarded 在勘探实践中,需要注意不能把岩性地层油气藏、非构造油气藏与隐蔽油气藏等同起来,仅强调后两者的研究,某些特殊类型的油气藏的勘探容易被忽视。 | | 2. | According to the study of the relationship between the distribution of lithostratigraphic reservoirs and lakeshore line , the result shows that the most favorable fades tracts of lithostratigraphic reservoirs are alone lakeshore line 摘要研究了坳陷盆地岩性地层油气藏的分布与湖岸线的关系,认为湖岸线附近是岩性地层油气藏发育的有利相带。 | | 3. | Lithologic stratigraphic reservoirs are still the major exploration emphasis in subtle reservoirs which is a general expression of all the nonstructural traps and includes some structural reservoirs that are difficult to find nowadays 岩性地层油气藏在目前仍是隐蔽油气藏勘探的主体,而隐蔽油气藏是各类以非构造为主的圈闭类型的一种通俗表达,也包含某些目前识别和评价难度较大的构造油气藏。 | | 4. | Erlian basin is a rift lacustrine basin developed on the hercynian geosyncline folded base in early cretaceous , is featured by simple sedimentary feature , depositional cycle , small lacustrine transgressive , dry climate , salinization lacustrine water and multi - and - near sources 摘要二连盆地是在海西期地槽褶皱基底上发育起来的早白垩世断陷湖泊群,具有湖盆湖浸规模较小、气候条件干燥、湖水咸化、沉积旋回单一,多物源、近物源和粗碎屑等沉积特征,以及发育岩性地层油气藏为主的油气分布特点。 | | 5. | It is concluded that non - structural reservoirs will be major types of prospecting ; the slope belts with high swells are of conditions for forming large - scale stratigraphic reservoirs ; in complex piedmont thrust nappe there are many targets and high potentials for exploration ; jundong ( eastern junggar ) area and around wulungu depression are not " dead areas of hydrocarbon generation " , they should be regarded as favorable backup positions of prospecting 非构造油气藏将是下步主要的油藏勘探类型,高凸起的斜坡带具备形成大型地层油气藏的有利条件,复杂山前逆冲推覆构造带勘探目标多、潜力大,环乌伦古坳陷及?东地区并非“生烃死亡区” ,也是有利的后备勘探阵地。 |
- Similar Words:
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