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Chinese translation for "地效飞机"

land-effect plane
land-effet plane

Related Translations:
立体声效:  stereophone
三效:  triple effect
全局光效:  global illumination
直效营销:  direct marketing
舵效性能:  steering quality
全效量:  full effective dosefulleffectivedose
综合效度:  synthetic validity
生态效度:  ecological validity
广效性:  broad spectrum
元效库容:  inactive storage
Example Sentences:
1.Land - effect plane
2.Land - effet plane
3.Wing - in - surface effect crafts belong to a class of transport vehicles , which make use of the ground effect to fly
4.Abstract : wing - in - surface effect crafts belong to a class of transport vehicles , which make use of the ground effect to fly
5.Within the field of ground effect , aerodynamic forces of the wing - in - surface effect crafts are not only decided by the angle of attack , but also by the flying height , and they lead to more complicated stability problems
6.Firstly , this paper gives an introduction about wing - in - surface crafts and their development state so far , then analyzes and describes their special stability and control problems , at last presents an outlook about their application perspectives
7.As a class of nonlinear multivariable objects , which characteristics is difficult to identify , the wing - in - surface effect crafts need adopt more complicated control laws and integrated information - control systems to ensure the flight safety and control efficiency
作为一类非线性、多变量且很难辨识的受控对象,地效飞机应采用更加复杂的控制律和信息? ?控制综合系统,以最大限度地保证低高度的飞行安全和操控效率。
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